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Grinnell College -- Grinnell Prize 2016

Grinnell College invites nominations for the 2016 Grinnell Prize. The award honors innovators under the age of 40 who demonstrate leadership, creativity, commitment, and extraordinary accomplishment in effecting positive social change. Past nominations have spanned a diversity of social issues related to topics in hunger relief, environment, and many others. Nominations are open to U.S. citizens as well as nationals of other countries. Winners are awarded a prize of US$100 thousand. The deadline for nominations is 09 November 2015.

Grinnell College invites nominations for the 2016 Grinnell Prize. The award honors innovators under the age of 40 who demonstrate leadership, creativity, commitment, and extraordinary accomplishment in effecting positive social change. Past nominations have spanned a diversity of social issues related to topics in hunger relief, environment, and many others. Nominations are open to U.S. citizens as well as nationals of other countries. Winners are awarded a prize of US$100 thousand. The deadline for nominations is 09 November 2015.