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2016 Akili Dada fellowship for young African women leaders

Akili Dada is an international award-winning leadership incubator that nurtures a generation of young African women from underprivileged backgrounds whose commitment to the underserved will transform their communities.

Akili Dada awards yearly fellowships to young African women leaders between the ages of 23-30 who are driving transformative change in their communities and are looking to grow their projects to scale and sustainability. The fellowship is an opportunity for young women to design and implement solutions to the challenges faced by their communities. The fellowship provides opportunities for dynamic young women leaders to learn essential skills and apply those skills in the context of their communities

Akili Dada is an international award-winning leadership incubator that nurtures a generation of young African women from underprivileged backgrounds whose commitment to the underserved will transform their communities.

About the fellowship

Akili Dada awards yearly fellowships to young African women leaders between the ages of 23-30 who are driving transformative change in their communities and are looking to grow their projects to scale and sustainability. The fellowship is an opportunity for young women to design and implement solutions to the challenges faced by their communities. The fellowship provides opportunities for dynamic young women leaders to learn essential skills and apply those skills in the context of their communities

Eligibility requirements

The applicant must;

  • Be a young woman between the ages of 23-30
  • Be from an economically disadvantaged background.
  • Have a Social Enterprise (a business with a social impact) or a Social Innovation (an initiative that has social impact).
  • Demonstrate previous leadership initiative and experience.
  • Have been working on your project for at least two years preferably on a full time basis
  • Be able to commit one year to the fellowship program (beginning January 2016 and ending December 2016)
  • Be able to attend trainings every other month for one week in Nairobi, Kenya
  • Must be able to communicate in English both written and verbal.

Selection criteria

Fellows will be selected on the basis of

  • The strength of their social change project
  • Previous leadership initiative
  • Willingness to learn from peers and more experienced mentors
  • The ability to share their skills with peers and intended project beneficiaries


Young women engaged in social entrepreneurship in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi) are encouraged to apply.

Application deadline; November 2nd 2015

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