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U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) -- Conservation of Sea Turtles in the Western Hemisphere 2016

The NFWF has developed a 10-year strategy to improve the recovery of seven sea turtle populations in the Western Hemisphere. The current request for proposals focuses on conservation of Caribbean hawksbill turtles and Eastern Pacific leatherbacks in selected coastal zones of the Caribbean Islands, Central America, and Mexico. The program is open to U.S. nonprofit 501(c) organizations; U.S. federal government agencies; state government agencies; local governments; municipal governments; Indian tribes; educational institutions; businesses; unincorporated individuals; and international organizations. Most grants will range from US$50 thousand to US$300 thousand. A minimum of a 1:1 match of cash and/or in-kind services is required. The deadline for pre-proposals is 14 October 2015.

The NFWF has developed a 10-year strategy to improve the recovery of seven sea turtle populations in the Western Hemisphere. The current request for proposals focuses on conservation of Caribbean hawksbill turtles and Eastern Pacific leatherbacks in selected coastal zones of the Caribbean Islands, Central America, and Mexico. The program is open to U.S. nonprofit 501(c) organizations; U.S. federal government agencies; state government agencies; local governments; municipal governments; Indian tribes; educational institutions; businesses; unincorporated individuals; and international organizations. Most grants will range from US$50 thousand to US$300 thousand. A minimum of a 1:1 match of cash and/or in-kind services is required. The deadline for pre-proposals is 14 October 2015.