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U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) -- Pacific Sea Bird Program 2016

The Pacific Seabird Program supports conservation that addresses priority threats to focal species including non-native invasive animals and plants, incidental take in fisheries (by-catch), forage depletion, and human disturbance. The announcement identifies target seabird species and sites in Alaska, California, Mexico, Chile, Hawaii, and U.S. islands and territories of the Western/Central Pacific. The deadline for pre-proposals (business plans) is 14 October 2015.

The Pacific Seabird Program supports conservation that addresses priority threats to focal species including non-native invasive animals and plants, incidental take in fisheries (by-catch), forage depletion, and human disturbance. The announcement identifies target seabird species and sites in Alaska, California, Mexico, Chile, Hawaii, and U.S. islands and territories of the Western/Central Pacific. The deadline for pre-proposals (business plans) is 14 October 2015.