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4 PhD scholarship positions at the International Institute of Social Studies

The International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (The Netherlands) offers four positions to join an exciting and dynamic multidisciplinary group carrying on research on the socio?environmental impacts of hydrocarbon extraction in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon. The PhD positions are for two separate, but intimately related projects: one on community?based environmental monitoring through high tech tools and the other on behavioral responses to information on water quality. The positions require willingness and ability to conduct long?term participatory field research in the Amazon.

Global oil demand has stimulated a renewed growth in hydrocarbons concessions in Latin America in what can be defined as the second hydrocarbon boom. There is strong evidence of severe oil related water pollution and health impacts in indigenous and local populations living in the areas surrounding oil extraction. Ecuador and Peru can be considered to be the frontrunners of not only this boom but also efforts to counteract its negative effects. These positions will be embedded within two related research projects that evaluate the impact of two policy interventions.

The International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (The Netherlands) offers four positions to join an exciting and dynamic multidisciplinary group carrying on research on the socio?environmental impacts of hydrocarbon extraction in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon. The PhD positions are for two separate, but intimately related projects: one on community?based environmental monitoring through high tech tools and the other on behavioral responses to information on water quality. The positions require willingness and ability to conduct long?term participatory field research in the Amazon.

The Context of the projects

Global oil demand has stimulated a renewed growth in hydrocarbons concessions in Latin America in what can be defined as the second hydrocarbon boom. There is strong evidence of severe oil related water pollution and health impacts in indigenous and local populations living in the areas surrounding oil extraction. Ecuador and Peru can be considered to be the frontrunners of not only this boom but also efforts to counteract its negative effects. These positions will be embedded within two related research projects that evaluate the impact of two policy interventions.

Requirements and application procedure

The candidates should;

  • Have a Masters degree in economics, geography, anthropology, ecology, environmental sciences or other cognate fields.
  • Have strong command of both English and Spanish.
  • A previous research experience in either Peru or Ecuador would be an advantage.
  • Be in a position to spend extensive periods in the field in either of the two countries in the context of a non?residential PhD programme; Ecuador and Peru Amazon and will include long stays in remote areas.
  • Be willing to engage with local communities, social organizations and a range of stakeholders


Candidates will work closely with the local counterparts of the project (In Peru, Pueblos Indígenas Amazónicos Unidos en Defensa de sus Territorios ?, in Ecuador, Frende de Defensa de la Amazonia ? and other members of the study consortium, especially University San Francisco of Quito and Digital Democracy.

The PhD students will receive a full PhD fee waiver, a monthly stipend, equipment (laptop and Smartphone) and a bursary covering field expenses. Positions will be reviewed annually and, contingent upon performance and available funds, be appointed to additional years.

Interested candidates should in the first instance send their CV and a brief motivational statement to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After a pre?selection round, candidates will be then asked to formally apply to the ISS PhD program in Development Studies.

The application deadline is 7 October 2015.

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