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Wellcome Trust -- Research on Environment and Health

The Wellcome Trust announces "Our Planet, Our Health" as a program of transdisciplinary research on how environmental challenges affect human health. Specific research themes are the global food system and health; and urbanisation and health. Participating organisations may be located in any country, and the lead applicant may be employed in any sector. Grants will be up to £2 million a year for up to five years. The deadline for preliminary applications is 29 January 2016.

The Wellcome Trust announces "Our Planet, Our Health" as a program of transdisciplinary research on how environmental challenges affect human health. Specific research themes are the global food system and health; and urbanisation and health. Participating organisations may be located in any country, and the lead applicant may be employed in any sector. Grants will be up to £2 million a year for up to five years. The deadline for preliminary applications is 29 January 2016.