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Wellcome Trust funding opportunities- apply for up to £2 million

The health of the population and the planet are inextricably linked, but there is a poor ecological fit between what we are asking of the planet and its resilience. If the complex natural systems we rely on for clean air, fresh water, fertile soil, biodiversity and a stable climate are threatened, so is our health. Our challenge is to secure the health and wellbeing of present and future generations while responsibly stewarding the planet

The health of the population and the planet are inextricably linked, but there is a poor ecological fit between what we are asking of the planet and its resilience. If the complex natural systems we rely on for clean air, fresh water, fertile soil, biodiversity and a stable climate are threatened, so is our health. Our challenge is to secure the health and wellbeing of present and future generations while responsibly stewarding the planet

As research continues to improve our understanding of the vital links between health and the environment, we become better equipped to develop solutions that reduce threats to our health and the environment that sustains it. There are already clear opportunities for change, but more research is needed: it’s crucial that we improve the evidence for links between the environment and health, identify co-benefits, and build interdisciplinary relationships across research themes.

With Our Planet, Our Health, we want to invest in high-quality, transdisciplinary programmes of research that investigate novel aspects of – and build evidence for – how complex changes in our environment affect our health. Supported proposals will consider the interplay between different environments (biological, physical, economic, social and natural), drive collaborative research, and ultimately lead to outputs with a significant impact on our health.


  • We want to establish a limited number of significantly resourced transdisciplinary research programmes, with a focus on our health and wellbeing, that can advance our understanding and our ability to address the challenges associated with the global food system and/or urbanization.
  • Applicants may apply for up to £2 million a year for up to five years. The engagement of both the public and the private sector is highly encouraged.
  • Research programmes should have a clearly defined focus and objectives that will be addressed using a range of relevant disciplines and research methodologies.
  • Participating organisations may be located in any country
  • The lead applicant may be employed in any sector