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2016 Professional Fellows Program for Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco individuals

Legacy is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for 2016 Professional Fellows Program (PFP). This two-way citizen exchange program is a capacity-building and professional development initiative that serves individuals working in civil society in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

This program is designed for early- to mid-career professionals, with strong leadership skills, who are and who are committed to making a lasting positive impact in their communities through civil society (NGO/CSO/Associations).  

Legacy is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for 2016 Professional Fellows Program (PFP). This two-way citizen exchange program is a capacity-building and professional development initiative that serves individuals working in civil society in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

This program is designed for early- to mid-career professionals, with strong leadership skills, who are and who are committed to making a lasting positive impact in their communities through civil society (NGO/CSO/Associations).  

 Areas of interest

The fellowship is inviting applicants from the following areas;

  • public health
  • social development
  • women and children’s issues
  • rule of law
  • arts and culture
  • education reform
  • transparency
  • free speech and media
  • youth engagement
  • human rights
  • citizen participation


The applicant should be;

  • A resident and citizen of Egypt, Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia
  • Between 25 and 40 years of age
  • Fluent in English (spoken and written)
  • Have two years minimum experience with local NGO’s, advocacy and reform organizations and networks, civil society organizations, unions, or other related fields.
  • Preference will be given to candidates who have NOT previously traveled to the U.S. on a government-sponsored exchange program.

Key Facts of about the PFP program

  • 34 Fellows will be selected from four countries (8-9 each from Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia)
  • Fellows will participate in a month-long, fellowship placement in an American organization, including service organizations, advocacy groups, grassroots organizations, federal agencies, and congressional offices.

Fellows will be selected through a competitive application process.

Morocco and Tunisia Application deadline: December 1, 2015

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