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Agropolis Fondation- EMBRAPA call for proposals

Recognizing the importance and relevance of joining forces and resources to achieve a shared objective of supporting research and scientific mobility in the domain of agriculture and food, Agropolis Fondation and Embrapa decided to issue a Joint Call for Proposals which will fund research projects.  

More Agropolis Fondation- EMBRAPA Call for Proposals

Recognizing the importance and relevance of joining forces and resources to achieve a shared objective of supporting research and scientific mobility in the domain of agriculture and food, Agropolis Fondation and Embrapa decided to issue a Joint Call for Proposals which will fund research projects.  

Areas of interest

  • Food, nutrition and health, including food safety, particularly in terms of knowledge advancement and development of technologies to expand the supply of plant-based functional and healthy food; as well as in terms of generating, developing, and transfering knowledge and technologies that contribute to minimize the risks associated with the occurrence of biological, chemical and physical hazards in food.
  • Integrated land/territorial management, including studies and evaluation of environmental, socioeconomic and institutional factors associated with the dynamics of agricultural land use and land cover (causes and effects), as well as their interactions, impacts, outputs and outcomes.  
  • Ecologically-based systems, particularly in terms of fostering agrobiodiversity management focusing agro-ecology; evaluating and developing genetic materials suitable for ecologically-based production, value agricultural biodiversity and socio-biodiversity products and stimulating local experiences for the use and conservation of plant genetic resources, especially those involving the management of local and traditional breeds or landraces; train young scientists in agro ecology and organic agriculture topics. 

More Agropolis Fondation- EMBRAPA Call for Proposals