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CARIBU-ERASMUS MUNDUS-3rd Call for Masters and PhD applications is open!

CARIBU-ERASMUS MUNDUS is inviting 3rd applications for Masters and PhD. There are three target groups defined by the EU commission for individual mobility flows:

 -Are registered/work in a higher education institution of these countries that is not included in the partnership (students and staff)

CARIBU-ERASMUS MUNDUS is inviting 3rd applications for Masters and PhD. There are three target groups defined by the EU commission for individual mobility flows:

  1. Nationals of countries represented in the consortium who are registered in one of the partner Higher Education Institution
  2. Nationals of the ACP countries represented in the consortium who:

 -Are registered/work in a higher education institution of these countries that is not included in the partnership (students and staff)

-have obtained a university degree or equivalent by an institution of these; Master (ACP) countries (students only).PhD (ACP)

  1. Nationals of ACP countries represented in the consortium who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for social and political reasons.

Eligibility criteria for non-EU students and staff:

  1. Be a national of one of the non-EU countries represented in the consortium (the Bahamas, Cameroon, DR Congo, Ethiopia, the Gambia, Ghana, Mozambique, Samoa, Suriname, Tanzania, Timor Leste, Uganda).The students with one of the following nationalities are also eligible: Gabon, Sao Tomé & Principe, Burundi, Rwanda, Angola, Namibia, Benin, Guinea Bissau, Dominican Republic, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Fiji, Kenya, Cabo Verde, Guyana.
  2. Should not have resided or carried out your main activity (study, work, etc) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in the EU at the time of submitting application.
  3. Should not have already benefited from a scholarship under the CARIBU project or an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the same level of mobility

Language requirements

Masters level:

B2 level is required in French. B1 could be accepted in some courses of sciences.

B2 level in English is required if course is taught exclusively in English.

PhD level:

B2 level is required in French or English.

Exceptions (where French certificate is not required):

  1. Nationals of the following countries: Bénin, Burkina Faso, Comores, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guinée, Mali, Niger, République Démocratique du Congo, Sénégal, Togo.
  2. Nationals from the following countries if all the secondary education was done in French (« collège » et « lycée »): Burundi, Cameroun, Djibouti, Haïti, Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Tchad, Vanuatu

More CARIBU-ERASMUS MUNDUS-3rd Call for Masters and PhD applications