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American Ornithologists Union (AOU) -- Research Grants in Ornithology 2016

The AOU makes grants up to US$2,500 in several areas of ornithological research. Applicants are university and post-doctoral students who are members of the AOU, and individuals without access to funds from major granting agencies. The Wetmore Memorial Fund supports research in avian systematics, paleo-ornithology, biogeography, and especially neotropical biology -- and it encourages Latin American students to apply. The application deadline is 29 January 2016.

The AOU makes grants up to US$2,500 in several areas of ornithological research. Applicants are university and post-doctoral students who are members of the AOU, and individuals without access to funds from major granting agencies. The Wetmore Memorial Fund supports research in avian systematics, paleo-ornithology, biogeography, and especially neotropical biology -- and it encourages Latin American students to apply. The application deadline is 29 January 2016.