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International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) -- Young Scientists Summer Program 2016

IIASA invites doctoral students worldwide to participate in its Young Scientists Summer Program held at IIASA's headquarters in Austria. The selected participants work with IIASA’s senior scientists in research on energy and climate change, food and water, and poverty and equity. Scholarships are available from IIASA's national member organizations. A limited number of scholarships is available from other sources. The application deadline is 11 January 2016.

IIASA invites doctoral students worldwide to participate in its Young Scientists Summer Program held at IIASA's headquarters in Austria. The selected participants work with IIASA’s senior scientists in research on energy and climate change, food and water, and poverty and equity. Scholarships are available from IIASA's national member organizations. A limited number of scholarships is available from other sources. The application deadline is 11 January 2016.