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Conservation Stewards Program-Call for Letters of Intent

When conservation offers concrete benefits to rural farmers and local communities, protecting the environment becomes an increasingly viable and attractive choice. CI’s Conservation Stewards Program (CSP) works with communities who agree to protect their natural resources, as well as the benefits they provide, in exchange for a steady stream of compensation from investors. This approach helps conserve biodiversity while improving the quality of life for local communities.

The Conservation Agreements Private Partnership Platform (CAPPP) invites applicants to submit Letters of Intent to assess the feasibility of implementing conservation agreements. The feasibility analysis will follow the process and requirements specified in the Conservation Agreement Field Guide.

When conservation offers concrete benefits to rural farmers and local communities, protecting the environment becomes an increasingly viable and attractive choice. CI’s Conservation Stewards Program (CSP) works with communities who agree to protect their natural resources, as well as the benefits they provide, in exchange for a steady stream of compensation from investors. This approach helps conserve biodiversity while improving the quality of life for local communities.

Call for Letters of Intent

The Conservation Agreements Private Partnership Platform (CAPPP) invites applicants to submit Letters of Intent to assess the feasibility of implementing conservation agreements. The feasibility analysis will follow the process and requirements specified in the Conservation Agreement Field Guide.

Budget available per feasibility analysis is up to $20,000 and the feasibility analysis report is expected to be ready in less than six months. Applicants must submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) in English to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by November 30, 2015. For additional information on the geographies and selection criteria please refer to the CAPPP operations manual. The Conservation Agreements Private Partnership Platform is an initiative financed by the GEF, with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as the implementing agency.

Conservation Agreements: Bridging Conservation & Development

CSP’s conservation agreement model offers direct incentives for conservation through a negotiated benefit package in return for conservation actions by communities. Thus, a conservation agreement links conservation funders — governments, bilateral agencies, private sector companies, foundations, individuals, etc. — to people who own and use natural resources.

Benefits typically include investments? in social services like health and education as well as investments in livelihoods, often in the agricultural or fisheries sectors. Benefits can also include direct payments and wages. The size of these benefit packages depends on the cost of changes in resource use, as well as conservation performance. Rigorous monitoring verifies both conservation and socioeconomic results.

More at Conservation International-Conservation Stewards Program