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Erasmus Mundus -Al Idrisi II scholarship scheme between Europe and North Africa

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II provides scholarships for undergraduate students from Europe and North Africa. It is a project that provides scholarships for undergraduates, master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, academic and administrative staff. The grants are financed by the European Commission and include a monthly subsistence allowance, travel expenses, insurance costs and tuition fees if applicable

The third call for applications is open and the deadline for applications is the 12 January 2016.There are especially good chances for North African undergraduate students anywhere in the world who can prove that they are in a particularly vulnerable situation.

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II provides scholarships for undergraduate students from Europe and North Africa. It is a project that provides scholarships for undergraduates, master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, academic and administrative staff. The grants are financed by the European Commission and include a monthly subsistence allowance, travel expenses, insurance costs and tuition fees if applicable

The third call for applications is open and the deadline for applications is the 12 January 2016.There are especially good chances for North African undergraduate students anywhere in the world who can prove that they are in a particularly vulnerable situation.


  • Only mobility flows between North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) on the one side and the European Union on the other side are eligible for funding.
  • Applicants must prove that they are in a particularly vulnerable situation

Selection criteria

The evaluation of the applications will be done by the home and host universities based on the grading scheme agreed by the Partnership. The score obtained will be the basis for the allocation of the scholarships.

For candidates not registered or enrolled at a partner or an associate university, the evaluation will be done by the university that represents the respective country at the Advisory and Selection Committee (ASC).

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II considers several thematic areas as priority fields. Applications corresponding to one of these disciplines will automatically obtain 5 extra points during the evaluation process.

Since associate universities have a status that is very similar to the role of full partner universities, applicants enrolled or registered there will have preference for Target Group 2 and Target Group 3 scholarships. In order to account for the preference, 5 extra points will be added to the score obtained during the evaluation process.

Applicants who include a support letter from a contact person of an International Cooperation Cells will receive 10 extra points.

For more information visit Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II