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Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) -- Masters Fellowships for Indonesians in Forest Management and Conservation

CIFOR and the U.S. Agency for International Development will fund masters degree fellowships for 20 highly qualified Indonesian candidates to study forest conservation, natural resources management, and related disciplines in the USA beginning September 2016. CIFOR will match qualified candidates with participating US university partners, and will assist candidates with the university application process. The deadline to apply for the fellowships is 30 November 2015.

CIFOR and the U.S. Agency for International Development will fund masters degree fellowships for 20 highly qualified Indonesian candidates to study forest conservation, natural resources management, and related disciplines in the USA beginning September 2016. CIFOR will match qualified candidates with participating US university partners, and will assist candidates with the university application process. The deadline to apply for the fellowships is 30 November 2015.