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Waterloo Foundation - Grants for marine conservation and Tropical forests

The Waterloo Foundation manages an Environment Fund that supports projects to manage and conserve tropical forests and marine resources. Applications are invited from UK charities in partnerships with local organizations in the developing world, and from non-UK organizations that can provide suitable references in the UK

The Waterloo Foundation manages an Environment Fund that supports projects to manage and conserve tropical forests and marine resources. Applications are invited from UK charities in partnerships with local organizations in the developing world, and from non-UK organizations that can provide suitable references in the UK

How to apply for funding

When applying to the Environment Fund, please follow these guidelines:

  • Limit the proposal to approximately 2-3 sides of A4, and send it as an attachment to an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications sent anywhere else will not be counted.
  • State that you are applying under our Environment programme, and state which programme you are applying to – Marine or Tropical Rainforests.
  • Supply basic information on your organisation – name, address, aim, charitable status, annual income and expenditure, website address and contact details.
  • Briefly describe the project or purpose for which you are seeking funding. You must outline how this meets the priorities of the programme you are applying to.
  • Briefly outline the anticipated project outcomes and how these will be measured, including any post-implementation studies you plan to undertake.
  • Please provide a brief outline of the need for this particular intervention. Do reference any statistics, data or research that you use as justification.
  • Provide brief project details such as cost, timescales and activities. We don’t need to see the full project plan or budget at this stage.
  • Provide evidence that your previous projects have led to successful outcomes and sustained impact.

For more information visit the Waterloo Foundation website