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Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds -- AEWA Small Grants Fund

The AEWA Small Grants Fund aims to promote the implementation of AEWA in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, focusing to date on Africa. The Fund supports species and habitat conservation, training and awareness-raising for different target groups, survey and monitoring of species and sites, and livelihood-related activities. Project proposals can be submitted by any national governmental agency, or any national or international non-governmental agency or organization, involved with the conservation of migratory waterbirds and/or their habitats in eligible African countries (list is provided in the announcement). The maximum grants is US$16 thousand for up to two years. The deadline for proposals is 27 March 2016.

The AEWA Small Grants Fund aims to promote the implementation of AEWA in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, focusing to date on Africa. The Fund supports species and habitat conservation, training and awareness-raising for different target groups, survey and monitoring of species and sites, and livelihood-related activities. Project proposals can be submitted by any national governmental agency, or any national or international non-governmental agency or organization, involved with the conservation of migratory waterbirds and/or their habitats in eligible African countries (list is provided in the announcement). The maximum grants is US$16 thousand for up to two years. The deadline for proposals is 27 March 2016.