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The Global Good Fund 2016 fellowship program cohort

The Global Good Fund is accepting applications from social entrepreneurs for the 2016 Fellowship Program cohort. Candidates are encouraged to carefully review the below criteria prior to starting the application process. If you can answer ‘yes’ to every question below, please continue to Part 1 of the application.

The Global Good Fund is accepting applications from social entrepreneurs for the 2016 Fellowship Program cohort. Candidates are encouraged to carefully review the below criteria prior to starting the application process. If you can answer ‘yes’ to every question below, please continue to Part 1 of the application.


  • Demonstrated leadership and growth potential
  • The candidate must be at a critical point for his/her leadership or for the future of the enterprise
  • Candidate is committed to social impact and is driving significant change in the his/her industry
  • The enterprise that the candidate leads is at least one year old
  • The enterprise must have at least one full-time employee in addition to the candidate
  • Candidate is committed full?time to running his/her enterprise
  • Candidate is coachable and humble, meaning that he/she is eagerly embraces honest critique and feedback and has a desire to learn
  • Ability to dedicate 15 months to The Global Good Fund Fellowship while remaining in his/her workplace
  • Candidate must be willing to drive the Fellowship process and take ownership of his/her leadership development
  • Candidate shows commitment to giving back; he/she actively mentors and invests in team members or other individuals
  • The enterprise exhibits growth potential, meaning scale or depth of outreach
  • The enterprise is moving toward a model of financial sustainability whereby 50% or more of the budget is covered through revenue generation. If this level has not been achieved, this goal must be a top priority for the candidate and his/her enterprise
  • Under 40 years of age (if 40 or older, explain rationale for Fellowship)

Submit your application by July 20, 2016

For more information visit the Global Good Fund official website