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Amphibian Ark seed grants, 2016

Amphibian Ark is pleased to announce the seventh annual call for proposals for its Seed Grant program!

This $5,000 competitive grant is designed to fund small start-up rescue projects for species that cannot currently be saved in the wild. Successful proposals will reflect AArk values

Amphibian Ark is pleased to announce the seventh annual call for proposals for its Seed Grant program!

This $5,000 competitive grant is designed to fund small start-up rescue projects for species that cannot currently be saved in the wild. Successful proposals will reflect AArk values

Favored types of projects

Desired projects are those that;

  • focus on species whose threats cannot be mitigated in nature in time to prevent their extinction and who therefore  require ex situ intervention to persist
  • work with species within their native range country
  • involve range-country biologists
  • adhere to recommended biosecurity standards for ex situ programs
  • link ex situ programs to in situ conservation
  • involve partnerships to maximize the likelihood of the program’s long-term sustainability

 Content Requirements

  1. Project Title
  2. Names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of project leaders
  3. Total funding amount requested from Amphibian Ark in US$
  4. Executive summary (300 words or less), including brief background, methods, and anticipated outcomes, with emphasis on actions utilizing AArk funds. Please stress the conservation significance of the work, including the specific conservation need of all species involved (e.g., AArk Priority, IUCN threatened or DD, national priority, etc.) and how the work will help address the threats to the species
  5. Introduction, identifying the main conservation problem, the proposed corrective actions, the anticipated outcomes, and how these relate to the AArk values
  6. Methodology, including a succinct description of the proposed work with enough technical detail for evaluation by experienced reviewers

Applications will be due no later than May 1, 2016

Find more information at Amphibian Ark