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Conservation International Japan (CI Japan) -- GEF-Satoyama Project

The GEF-Satoyama Project seeks sub-grant projects that enhance livelihoods, conservation, and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services -- and that promote equity among various population groups in the project sites. Proposals are called for in support of the following Biodiversity Hotspots: (1) Tropical Andes; and (2) Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands. The maximum grant is US$100 thousand. Applicants are expected to provide 1:1 matching of resources. The deadline for proposals is 23 February 2016.

The GEF-Satoyama Project seeks sub-grant projects that enhance livelihoods, conservation, and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services -- and that promote equity among various population groups in the project sites. Proposals are called for in support of the following Biodiversity Hotspots: (1) Tropical Andes; and (2) Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands. The maximum grant is US$100 thousand. Applicants are expected to provide 1:1 matching of resources. The deadline for proposals is 23 February 2016.