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Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association-call for proposals

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) through the MASMA  programme is announcing a call for research proposals inviting full proposals for conducting original and innovative research that contribute to improved understanding leading towards the creation of enabling conditions for coastal and marine management, as well as leading to behavioural and social/environmental changes for sustainable development and improved human wellbeing. In other words, the MASMA -funded research projects must deliver both excellent science and clear identification of how research leads to tangible outcomes to the target groups at levels of policy, technology, environment and wellbeing of coastal communities.

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) through the MASMA  programme is announcing a call for research proposals inviting full proposals for conducting original and innovative research that contribute to improved understanding leading towards the creation of enabling conditions for coastal and marine management, as well as leading to behavioural and social/environmental changes for sustainable development and improved human wellbeing. In other words, the MASMA -funded research projects must deliver both excellent science and clear identification of how research leads to tangible outcomes to the target groups at levels of policy, technology, environment and wellbeing of coastal communities.

Scope of work

The over-riding principle governing selection of projects for funding is that the full proposals should both have high scientific merit and demonstrate that its results will provide clear identification of how research leads to tangible outcomes on coastal communities and their environment in a demonstrable manner.

Proposals aiming at solving identified management and environmental problems as well as promoting sustainable exploitation of new opportunities from coastal and marine environment are also encouraged.

Eligibility criteria

Suitable project proposals that encompass any of the priority research themes are invited for submission. The proposals should be submitted by an Institution, or a Consortium of Institutions. In the latter case, the lead Institution should submit the proposal on behalf of the Consortium. For the purposes of this Call, institutions are defined as government departments, research and academic institutions, NGOs, CBOs, and private companies.

Members of the project team should meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • The Principal Investigator/s should have attained an education level of at least MSc or MA degree in a discipline(s) related to or relevant to the focus of the proposal, and have a track record of previous project management experience.
  • The grant is specifically intended for Institutions from the WIO region. However, consortia of institutions may involve other institutions or researchers from outside the region as appropriate, and cover their costs from the grant funds applied for. The involvement/participation of the scientists from outside the region may not exceed three person-months annually.
  • The Principal Investigator/s should be a scientist from the WIO region and be employed by an institution based in the WIO region
  • MSc and PhD students as well as postdoctoral scientists may participate in the approved projects; some of their expenses including stipends could be covered from the grants if found to be appropriate.

More information at Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association