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NextWorldNow community investment - community grants 2016

NextWorldNow believes that communities throughout the world can work together in an informed way to improve the well-being of each community.   

NextWorldNow seeks smart ways to invest in and support community development projects.  It aims for a "portfolio" that eventually represents a diverse range of projects such as:

NextWorldNow believes that communities throughout the world can work together in an informed way to improve the well-being of each community.   


NextWorldNow seeks smart ways to invest in and support community development projects.  It aims for a "portfolio" that eventually represents a diverse range of projects such as:

  • building a school for primary education in Tanzania
  • organizing a farm cooperative for coffee growers in Indonesia 
  • developing a program to train local tour guides for eco-tourism jobs in Cambodia
  • creating a safe water system in Nicaragua
  • establishing a wool processing mill for weavers in Ecuador
  • starting a local micro-loan bank for small businesses in India 
  • funding a startup health clinic site for migrant workers in New Mexico

It believes it is possible to invest in projects that increase the wellbeing of communities and avoid unintended harm. Borrowing effective concepts from successful social entrepreneurship organizations, NextWorldNow site describes how NextWorldNow engages in this process.

Interested in participating?

If you would like to take part in NextWorldNow, there are a number of ways to make this happen based on your level of interest.   To start, send an email or complete the participation form.

Funding application

The application closes June 30th or when 50 applications have been received, whichever comes first.  

To apply for a grant, complete the attached form below and submit as an email attachment (NWN GRANT APPLICATION 2016.docx )

For more information, visit NextWorldNow official website