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Islamic Development Bank -- Prizes for Science and Technology, 14th Edition

The ISDB offers prizes for S&T awarded on the occasion of the ISDB's annual meeting of its Board of Governors. The prizes are awarded to institutions in ISDB member countries in three categories. Science areas (in Category 2) include agriculture, energy sources, and others. The prize in each category is US$100 thousand plus a trophy and certificate. Applications are invited from national, regional, and international institutions (private or public) in ISDB member countries. The deadline for applications (Arabic, English, French) is 30 November 2015 (18th Safar 1437H).

The ISDB offers prizes for S&T awarded on the occasion of the ISDB's annual meeting of its Board of Governors. The prizes are awarded to institutions in ISDB member countries in three categories. Science areas (in Category 2) include agriculture, energy sources, and others. The prize in each category is US$100 thousand plus a trophy and certificate. Applications are invited from national, regional, and international institutions (private or public) in ISDB member countries. The deadline for applications (Arabic, English, French) is 30 November 2015 (18th Safar 1437H).