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French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity -- Support for Research Working Groups in Biodiversity

The CEnter for Synthesis and Analysis on Biodiversity (CESAB) is an initiative run by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity to promote research devoted to syntheses of ideas and/or data analyses in the field of biodiversity. CESAB funds international working groups, led by scientists of French institutions, on specific topics and research questions. Grants are up to €180 thousand for projects of three years. The deadline for submitting pre-proprosals is 20 November 2015.

The CEnter for Synthesis and Analysis on Biodiversity (CESAB) is an initiative run by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity to promote research devoted to syntheses of ideas and/or data analyses in the field of biodiversity. CESAB funds international working groups, led by scientists of French institutions, on specific topics and research questions. Grants are up to €180 thousand for projects of three years. The deadline for submitting pre-proprosals is 20 November 2015.