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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Open call for indigenous peoplesÂ’ designs and visual artwork

FAO team is dedicated to indigenous issues and is working together with indigenous peoples from diverse regions towards the joint goal of ending the discrimination they face regarding the respect of their most basic rights. More specifically, FAO is advocating for a change of perspective that fosters an understanding of the incalculable value of indigenous traditional knowledge in nature management, food systems, sustainable agricultural practices and resilience in the face of the present and future challenges of food security.

FAO team is dedicated to indigenous issues and is working together with indigenous peoples from diverse regions towards the joint goal of ending the discrimination they face regarding the respect of their most basic rights. More specifically, FAO is advocating for a change of perspective that fosters an understanding of the incalculable value of indigenous traditional knowledge in nature management, food systems, sustainable agricultural practices and resilience in the face of the present and future challenges of food security.

Open call

In this sense, FAO team is now working to strengthen its communication strategy. As a part of it, it wants to have a series of images which reflect indigenous peoples views of the world as a holistic system in which identity, spirituality, land, community, traditions, culture and nature are interlinked. Its final intention with this initiative is to gather images that can be easily identified with indigenous peoples, and that can represent its joint work. FAO believes the best and only way to have images reflecting these ideas is if indigenous peoples themselves participate in their creation.

These are the reasons why it is launching an open call to reach out for indigenous peoples who may be interested in participating sending their designs and visual artworks, which will be used in its website, outreach documents, newsletter and other advocacy materials.


A total amount of US$3000 has been allocated, which will be divided equally among three co-authors (each author will be awarded with US$1000).

Find more information at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - open call for indigenous peoples’ designs and visual artwork