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European Union - Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum - 2nd Call for Project Proposals

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) Secretariat is launching the 2nd Call for Proposals in order to support projects of the EaP CSF members with a regional dimension that can contribute to achieving the mission and objectives of the EaP CSF.

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) Secretariat is launching the 2nd Call for Proposals in order to support projects of the EaP CSF members with a regional dimension that can contribute to achieving the mission and objectives of the EaP CSF.

This call aims to support the work of the five thematic Working Groups of the EaP CSF. Applicants are encouraged to develop proposals that would contribute to the effective policy-making and advocacy of the objectives of the EaP CSF at the EU level. They should focus on advancing reforms in the EaP countries and should encourage activity of the civil society in policy domains where the civil society has not been active so far. The projects proposals should particularly focus on connecting the envisaged activities with the interests and needs of the wider public. Proposals that comply with more than one of these objectives are especially encouraged. 


The specific objectives are:

  • To contribute to advancing reforms of the EaP CSF members in one of the areas covered by the EaP CSF structures;
  • To strengthen the regional perspective (namely by project activities with regional added value) and bridging the emerging gaps among the EaP countries while acknowledging the different paths and contractual relations with the EU;
  • To contribute to the effective policy-making and advocacy of the objectives of the EaP CSF at the EU level;
  • To connect with the interest and needs of the wider public in the EaP countries;
  • To encourage activity of the civil society in relevant areas and policy domains where the civil society has not been active but which are considered important for societal development in the region.

More information at the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF)- 2nd Call for Project Proposals