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UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) -- Prosperity Fund in Southeast Asia 2016-2017

The South East Asia Prosperity Fund invites project proposals from Burma (Myanmar), Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Among other objectives, the Prosperity Fund calls for proposals in thematic areas of low-carbon economic growth, energy security, and measures to address climate change. The Fund will consider applications from government and other official bodies, NGOs, and businesses. The deadline for interim project proposals is 27 March 2016.

The South East Asia Prosperity Fund invites project proposals from Burma (Myanmar), Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Among other objectives, the Prosperity Fund calls for proposals in thematic areas of low-carbon economic growth, energy security, and measures to address climate change. The Fund will consider applications from government and other official bodies, NGOs, and businesses. The deadline for interim project proposals is 27 March 2016.