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IUCN-Netherlands -- Purchase of Nature 2016

The World Conservation Union in the Netherlands (IUCN-Netherlands) manages the Purchase of Nature program, funded by the Dutch Postal Code Lottery. The program provides grants of up to €85 thousand for the purchase and protection of threatened wildlife habitats and vulnerable ecosystems in Asia-Pacific countries, Africa, and Latin America. The grants are to qualified and experienced local conservation organizations. The deadline for pre-proposals is 01 May 2016.

The World Conservation Union in the Netherlands (IUCN-Netherlands) manages the Purchase of Nature program, funded by the Dutch Postal Code Lottery. The program provides grants of up to €85 thousand for the purchase and protection of threatened wildlife habitats and vulnerable ecosystems in Asia-Pacific countries, Africa, and Latin America. The grants are to qualified and experienced local conservation organizations. The deadline for pre-proposals is 01 May 2016.