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European Energy Community -- Summer School 2016

The Energy Community aims to extend the EU internal energy market to South East Europe and beyond. The Secretariat of the Energy Community announces the 1st Energy Community Summer School that will take place in Albania, September 2016. The Secretariat welcomes applications from postgraduate students, researchers in energy-related disciplines, and young professionals from government institutions, companies, think tanks, and NGOs in the region of the Energy Community. The non-EU members of the Energy Community include six Balkan countries plus Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey, and Ukraine. Participation is free, including tuition and accommodation costs in Tirana. However, travel costs are borne by the participants. The application deadline is 31 March 2016.

The Energy Community aims to extend the EU internal energy market to South East Europe and beyond. The Secretariat of the Energy Community announces the 1st Energy Community Summer School that will take place in Albania, September 2016. The Secretariat welcomes applications from postgraduate students, researchers in energy-related disciplines, and young professionals from government institutions, companies, think tanks, and NGOs in the region of the Energy Community. The non-EU members of the Energy Community include six Balkan countries plus Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey, and Ukraine. Participation is free, including tuition and accommodation costs in Tirana. However, travel costs are borne by the participants. The application deadline is 31 March 2016.