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Oak Foundation -- Grants for Marine Conservation and Climate Change

The Oak Foundation makes grants in several program areas, including Environment. The sub-program for marine conservation focuses on protecting the Mesoamerican Reef; management of coastal and marine resources in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans; and measures to improve fisheries policy and management in Europe.Grants in the sub-program for climate change support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the power and transport sectors of North America, Europe, and some emerging economies, e.g., Brazil, China, and India. Grants in the environment program generally range from US$50 thousand to US$1 million. Applicants that meet the Foundation’s requirements can submit letters of inquiry at any time.

The Oak Foundation makes grants in several program areas, including Environment. The sub-program for marine conservation focuses on protecting the Mesoamerican Reef; management of coastal and marine resources in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans; and measures to improve fisheries policy and management in Europe.Grants in the sub-program for climate change support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the power and transport sectors of North America, Europe, and some emerging economies, e.g., Brazil, China, and India. Grants in the environment program generally range from US$50 thousand to US$1 million. Applicants that meet the Foundation’s requirements can submit letters of inquiry at any time.