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Marine Mammal Commission -- Grants to Protect Marine Mammals 2016

The Marine Mammal Commission makes grants for research and conservation of whales, dolphins, porpoises, dugongs, manatees, polar bears, otters, seals, and sea lions. The Commission also funds conferences, workshops, and other forms of education and outreach in this topic area. The Commission identifies three focal areas for grant making in 2016, although it will accept proposals in additional subjects. The grants program is open worldwide. Proposals should be limited to US$20 thousand, except in cases of prior approval for larger requests. The deadline for applications is 05 April 2016.

The Marine Mammal Commission makes grants for research and conservation of whales, dolphins, porpoises, dugongs, manatees, polar bears, otters, seals, and sea lions. The Commission also funds conferences, workshops, and other forms of education and outreach in this topic area. The Commission identifies three focal areas for grant making in 2016, although it will accept proposals in additional subjects. The grants program is open worldwide. Proposals should be limited to US$20 thousand, except in cases of prior approval for larger requests. The deadline for applications is 05 April 2016.