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VLIRUOS - 2017 call for International Master Programmes scholarship

The previous VLIR-UOS call for proposals for international masters programmes with relevance for development, organized by the Flemish universities, dates from 2001. It led to the selection of 15 master programmes called ICP (International Course Programme) of which 12 receive operational funding and all of which receive a number (varying from 10 to 16) of scholarships on an annual basis

The award of scholarships

The previous VLIR-UOS call for proposals for international masters programmes with relevance for development, organized by the Flemish universities, dates from 2001. It led to the selection of 15 master programmes called ICP (International Course Programme) of which 12 receive operational funding and all of which receive a number (varying from 10 to 16) of scholarships on an annual basis

Scholarship award

The award of scholarships

  • is done in a decentralised manner, i.e. by the universities, but coordinated by VLIR-UOS, thus guaranteeing an optimal quality control of applications by screening them academically (at the universities, according to the institutional criteria) before admitting them to enter into the competition for the limited number of scholarships (according to the criteria set at VLIR-UOS level, in consultation with DGD);
  • entails an increased focus on post-graduation follow-up of the scholarship awardees, according to the monitoring and evaluation policy and guidelines that will be elaborated by VLIR-UOS by 2017.


Selection is valid for a five-year period, with possible renewal for another five-year term

  • after positive evaluation, thus enabling both the selected programmes and VLIR-UOS to make the necessary adjustments in a dynamic manner;
  • with reduction of the number of scholarships per ICP from 12 to 10, thus enabling in principle selection of new ICPs even in case of reselection of all ICPs after the first five-year-period and thus securing a minimum degree of dynamics as regards the ICP portfolio as a whole, on the condition that sufficient funds are available at the level of VLIR-UOS.


More information at VLIRUOS -a call for International Master Programmes scholarship