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The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program 2016 Fall

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program 2016 Fall (Borlaug LEAP) awards fellowships to outstanding graduate students who show strong promise as leaders in the field of agriculture and related disciplines.  The program honors Dr. Norman Borlaug whose distinguished career epitomized the qualities of leadership, scholarship, scientific achievement, international cooperation, mentoring, and passion.

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program 2016 Fall (Borlaug LEAP) awards fellowships to outstanding graduate students who show strong promise as leaders in the field of agriculture and related disciplines.  The program honors Dr. Norman Borlaug whose distinguished career epitomized the qualities of leadership, scholarship, scientific achievement, international cooperation, mentoring, and passion.

Application Components

The following items comprise the components of the application:

Biographical Data

The first pages of the application ask for all of your basic personal information, such as your name, contact information, birth date, etc. It also asks for a photograph, the details of your academic background, occupational experience, extracurricular activities and identifying information from your mentors.

Research and Fellowship Plan

This section asks for a narrative description of your research and fellowship plan including your vision statement and reflections on leadership.  A timetable for your fellowship is also required.

Personal Scientific Background and Vision Statement (approx. 800 word limit). 

Describe your personal scientific background and vision for agriculture-led growth and food security in your home country, the relevance to development priorities and how you will apply the knowledge and experience gained from the fellowship to achieve that vision.  

Leadership (approx. 1000 word limit).

Describe what leadership means to you and what experiences have informed your perspective.  Provide examples of past leadership experiences, how you believe you will lead and be a future leader and/or how you expect to develop your leadership skills.

Research Summary (approx. 1000 word limit).

  Provide an abstract of your research and a summary of the importance and significance of your research.  Include the practical implications and development impacts you anticipate will result from your research.  Explain how your individual initiative and creativity shaped your thesis research.

More information at the Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program 2016 Fall