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UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) -- International Opportunities Fund 2016

NERC's International Opportunities Fund announces grants that help UK researchers develop and strengthen collaborative links with international partners. Pump Priming grants are a maximum of £40 thousand for up to two years. Pump Priming Plus grants are a maximum of £250 thousand for up to three years. Eligibility is limited to applicants currently having grants through NERC. The closing date for proposals is 19 May 2016.

NERC's International Opportunities Fund announces grants that help UK researchers develop and strengthen collaborative links with international partners. Pump Priming grants are a maximum of £40 thousand for up to two years. Pump Priming Plus grants are a maximum of £250 thousand for up to three years. Eligibility is limited to applicants currently having grants through NERC. The closing date for proposals is 19 May 2016.