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Purley Overseas Trust -- Grassroots Development

The Purley Overseas Trust aims to address the problems of deprivation in the developing world by supporting grassroots projects which allow people to help themselves. The Trust makes grants for small-scale projects across a range of interests that include agriculture, water supply, energy, and others. Grant recipients are development-oriented charities in the UK and internationally. There is no limit on grant size, but most grants are in the range of £200 to £1,000. There is no application deadline.

The Purley Overseas Trust aims to address the problems of deprivation in the developing world by supporting grassroots projects which allow people to help themselves. The Trust makes grants for small-scale projects across a range of interests that include agriculture, water supply, energy, and others. Grant recipients are development-oriented charities in the UK and internationally. There is no limit on grant size, but most grants are in the range of £200 to £1,000. There is no application deadline.