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ILRI-DAAD PhD scholarships 2016

The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is collaborating with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to offer up to eight in region PhD scholarships in 2016 through a co-funding arrangement

ILRI through its graduate fellowship program will provide an opportunity for successful candidates from sub-Saharan African countries to undertake quality research for development, access ILRI’s cutting-edge research facilities and receive mentorship from ILRI scientists within the following broad ILRI program areas.

The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is collaborating with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to offer up to eight in region PhD scholarships in 2016 through a co-funding arrangement

Fields of study

ILRI through its graduate fellowship program will provide an opportunity for successful candidates from sub-Saharan African countries to undertake quality research for development, access ILRI’s cutting-edge research facilities and receive mentorship from ILRI scientists within the following broad ILRI program areas.

  • Animal Biosciences
  • Animal Science for Sustainable Productivity
  • Feed and Forages Biosciences
  • Food Safety and Zoonoses
  • Livestock, Gender and Impact
  • Livestock Systems and the Environment
  • Policy, Trade and Value Chains

DAAD is a publicly funded self-governing organization of the institutions of higher education in Germany which promotes international academic exchange as well as educational cooperation with developing countries through a variety of funding and scholarship programs.

Successful candidates will be expected to commence their PhD programs earliest 1 September 2016.

How to apply

For more information on the scholarships and how to apply see the links below.

ILRI-DAAD PhD Scholarship: Animal science for sustainable Productivity (ASSP) – Small ruminant value chain development(Closing date: 18 March 2016)

ILRI-DAAD PhD Scholarship: Capacity Development (closing date: 18 March 2016)

ILRI-DAAD PhD Scholarship: Food Safety and Zoonosis Project – FoodAfrica Phase 2 Project (closing date: 18 March 2016)

ILRI-DAAD PhD Scholarship: Livestock Systems and Environment (LSE) – Livestock Agri-food Systems CGIAR Research Program (closing date: 18 March 2016)

ILRI-DAAD PhD Scholarship: Cystic Echinococcosis – Distribution and genetic diversity (Closing date: 18 March 2016)

ILRI-DAAD PhD Scholarship: Animal Biosciences– One Health approach to vector biology and arbovirus epidemiology in smallholder livestock systems (closing date: 18 March 2016)

ILRI MSc Graduate Fellowship – Kenya

ILRI-DAAD PhD Scholarship: Animal science for sustainable Productivity (ASSP) – Improved productivity through crop-livestock interventions in Eastern DR Congo and Burundi (closing date: 18 March 2016)

ILRI-DAAD PhD Scholarship: Policy, Trade and Value Chains – Accelerated Value Chain Development Program / Livestock Value Chain Component (closing date: 18 March 2016)