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Climate Change Writing and COP22 Fellowship for Young Writers from across the Globe

Climate Tracker, the global youth writing movement, is currently inviting the young writers from around the world for the Climate Change Writing and COP22 Fellowship to make an impact in their countries through writing.

Since 2009, Climate Tracker has sent its ALL-STAR teams to the UN climate Negotiations. This November, another amazing team will be sent to Morocco. There, they will get a chance to stand face-to-face with the world’s leaders, as they build on the historic Paris Agreement set last year.

Climate Tracker, the global youth writing movement, is currently inviting the young writers from around the world for the Climate Change Writing and COP22 Fellowship to make an impact in their countries through writing.

Since 2009, Climate Tracker has sent its ALL-STAR teams to the UN climate Negotiations. This November, another amazing team will be sent to Morocco. There, they will get a chance to stand face-to-face with the world’s leaders, as they build on the historic Paris Agreement set last year.

Thematic area

The program focus lies on uncovering the Truth about the Global Fossil Fuel industry in the respective countries

Eligibility criteria

The young writers of ages below 30 years, irrespective of their nationality, can apply.


Over the next 2 months, Climate Tracker will be offering up to 15 paid writing fellowships to support great, upcoming writers from all around the world.

Already this year, it has supported writers from Bangladesh, the Philippines, Pakistan, Belgium, the Congo and Nigeria. Could you be next?

Application process

Applicants are required to submit the completely filled registration form available on the website. Apply by 20th May, 2016

For more information visit Climate Change Writing and COP22 Fellowship for Young Writers from across the Globe