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The Rising Tide Foundation 2016 Essay Competition for African Undergraduates

Entrepreneurs are the creative force in the economy.  Is your government helping or hindering them?  Participants must discuss the topic using contemporary examples.

Participant must be a student in any tertiary institutions (university, polytechnic, college of education and technical schools) in all African countries. The format of the text should be in Microsoft Word and not more than 1,500 words.

Entrepreneurs are the creative force in the economy.  Is your government helping or hindering them?  Participants must discuss the topic using contemporary examples.


Participant must be a student in any tertiary institutions (university, polytechnic, college of education and technical schools) in all African countries. The format of the text should be in Microsoft Word and not more than 1,500 words.

Be informed that no participant is allowed to lift materials directly from works of any author and claim to be his/her own. Plagiarism automatically disqualifies any entry, which contains work of another author .If any text or sentence is copied from another author’s work, it must be shown in quotation marks and writer must credit the original author at the bottom of the paper.


1st-George Ayittey (Platinum Prize): $1,000 and scholarship to the 2016 Liberty Camp/Event/ in East Africa OR West Africa in 2016

2nd-Anthony Fisher (Gold Prize):  $700 and scholarship to the 2016 Liberty Camp/Event/ in East Africa OR West Africa in 2016

3rd-Franklin Cudjoe (Silver Prize): $500 and scholarship to the 2016 Liberty Camp/Event/ in East Africa OR West Africa in 2016

4th- The Nation CAMPUSLIFE (Media Bronze Prize): $300 and 2016 Liberty Camp/Event/ in East Africa OR West Africa in 2016

5th- Rejoice Ngwenya Prize: $250 and 2016 Liberty Camp/Event/ in East Africa OR West Africa in 2016

Consolation Prizes:

We also have 7 (seven) consolation prize of $50 each

More information at Rising Tide Foundation 2016 Essay Competition for African Undergraduates