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UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) -- Ecosystems Services and Poverty Alleviation

The UK's NERC calls for projects of research synthesis to advance global understanding on the way that ecosystem services contribute to poverty alleviation. The focus is ecosystems and poverty in low-income and lower-middle income countries. Projects will review ESPA research, knowledge, and frameworks as a starting point before more widely considering all other relevant research evidence. Eligibility to submit proposals extends to UK higher education institutions; other UK institutions; and non-UK institutions. Grants will range between £50 thousand and £200 thousand for project of up to one year. The application deadline is 17 May 2016.

The UK's NERC calls for projects of research synthesis to advance global understanding on the way that ecosystem services contribute to poverty alleviation. The focus is ecosystems and poverty in low-income and lower-middle income countries. Projects will review ESPA research, knowledge, and frameworks as a starting point before more widely considering all other relevant research evidence. Eligibility to submit proposals extends to UK higher education institutions; other UK institutions; and non-UK institutions. Grants will range between £50 thousand and £200 thousand for project of up to one year. The application deadline is 17 May 2016.