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Science for People and Nature Partnership -- Working Groups on Conservation and Development

In support of the United Nations agenda on sustainable development, the Science for People and Nature Partnership (SNAP Partnership) aims to find solutions for problems at the interface of economic development, nature conservation, and human well-being. SNAPP operates through 23 working groups that represent 200 institutions from more than 30 countries. The Partnership's fourth request for proposals calls for additional working groups to fill gaps in knowledge. Proposals are invited from researchers and practitioners of any nationality affiliated with an academic, governmental, multilateral, or non-profit institution. Individuals operating independently are also eligible to apply. Proposals from low- and middle-income countries are especially welcome. Grants are a maximum of US$200 thousand for up to two years. The deadline for proposals is 25 April 2016.

In support of the United Nations agenda on sustainable development, the Science for People and Nature Partnership (SNAP Partnership) aims to find solutions for problems at the interface of economic development, nature conservation, and human well-being. SNAPP operates through 23 working groups that represent 200 institutions from more than 30 countries. The Partnership's fourth request for proposals calls for additional working groups to fill gaps in knowledge. Proposals are invited from researchers and practitioners of any nationality affiliated with an academic, governmental, multilateral, or non-profit institution. Individuals operating independently are also eligible to apply. Proposals from low- and middle-income countries are especially welcome. Grants are a maximum of US$200 thousand for up to two years. The deadline for proposals is 25 April 2016.