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SEED Awards -- Social and Environmental Enterprises in Africa

Founded by the United Nations Environment Program and partner organizations, SEED supports small-scale enterprises in the developing world which integrate social and environmental benefits into their business models. The SEED Awards for 2016 are structured in three categories (see details in the announcement, including country eligibility). Each award recipient is granted capacity building and networking opportunities. The application deadline is 21 March 2016 (extended to 31 March 2016).

Founded by the United Nations Environment Program and partner organizations, SEED supports small-scale enterprises in the developing world which integrate social and environmental benefits into their business models. The SEED Awards for 2016 are structured in three categories (see details in the announcement, including country eligibility). Each award recipient is granted capacity building and networking opportunities. The application deadline is 21 March 2016 (extended to 31 March 2016).