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CEWAS Call for Ideas 2016

Do you have an innovative idea in water and sanitation that can change the lives of the poor in emerging and developing countries?

If yes, submit your idea to the cewas Call for Ideas 2016 and stand a chance to win 5‘000 CHF in cash start-up capital, as well as a sponsored place in the cewas start-up programme 2016/17, where you will be able to put the idea into practice.

Do you have an innovative idea in water and sanitation that can change the lives of the poor in emerging and developing countries?

If yes, submit your idea to the cewas Call for Ideas 2016 and stand a chance to win 5‘000 CHF in cash start-up capital, as well as a sponsored place in the cewas start-up programme 2016/17, where you will be able to put the idea into practice.