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Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (WOTRO) -- Food and Business Applied Research, 3rd Call for Proposals

The Food & Business Applied Research Fund offers grants for applied research contributing to food security in the partner countries of Dutch international cooperation (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen). The main applicant should be a public or private organization in one of these partner countries, working with one or more research partners in Netherlands or the partner country. Grants are a maximum of €50 thousand for six months to a maximum of €300 thousand for up to 36 months. Each project requires at least 20% co-funding. The next application deadlines are 05 July 2016 and 06 December 2016.

The Food & Business Applied Research Fund offers grants for applied research contributing to food security in the partner countries of Dutch international cooperation (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen). The main applicant should be a public or private organization in one of these partner countries, working with one or more research partners in Netherlands or the partner country. Grants are a maximum of €50 thousand for six months to a maximum of €300 thousand for up to 36 months. Each project requires at least 20% co-funding. The next application deadlines are 05 July 2016 and 06 December 2016.