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United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) -- Prize on Education for Sustainable Development

The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development honors outstanding efforts of individuals, institutions, organizations or other entities engaged in activities on Education for Sustainable Development. Nominated projects and programs should address the three integrated dimensions of sustainability -- society, economy, and environment -- in innovative ways. The Prize consists of three annual awards of US$50 thousand for each recipient. Nominations can be submitted by governments of UNESCO member states, and by NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO. The deadline for nominations (English, French) is 30 April 2016.

The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development honors outstanding efforts of individuals, institutions, organizations or other entities engaged in activities on Education for Sustainable Development. Nominated projects and programs should address the three integrated dimensions of sustainability -- society, economy, and environment -- in innovative ways. The Prize consists of three annual awards of US$50 thousand for each recipient. Nominations can be submitted by governments of UNESCO member states, and by NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO. The deadline for nominations (English, French) is 30 April 2016.