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Humanitarian Water Air Food Awards -- Call for Projects 2016

The Humanitarian Water Air Food Awards (WAF) acknowledge and promote individuals and organizations that implement sustainable projects to secure water, clean air, and food -- and that empower local communities. The call is open worldwide for pioneering projects that have at least two years of success in bringing best practices and relevant change in the focus areas of water, food, or clean air. The winners will receive visibility at the annual WAF awards ceremony. The deadline for applications and nominations is 12 June 2016.

The Humanitarian Water Air Food Awards (WAF) acknowledge and promote individuals and organizations that implement sustainable projects to secure water, clean air, and food -- and that empower local communities. The call is open worldwide for pioneering projects that have at least two years of success in bringing best practices and relevant change in the focus areas of water, food, or clean air. The winners will receive visibility at the annual WAF awards ceremony. The deadline for applications and nominations is 12 June 2016.