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UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education -- Masters Fellowships and Short Courses for Water Professionals from Small Island Developing Countries

The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education to fund masters degrees and short courses at Delft University of Technology for water professionals from Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The project aims to strengthen the capacity of professionals and decision makers to improve water management in SIDS, and to better address challenges such as coping with climate change. The application deadline for SIDS Fellowships for the 2016-2018 MSc Specializations is 01 July 2016. Additionally, UNESCO-IHE aims to enroll at least 50 water professionals and decision makers in short courses to build their expertise in relevant topics, with application deadlines on 15 June 2016, 12 October 2016, and 03 January 2017.

The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education to fund masters degrees and short courses at Delft University of Technology for water professionals from Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The project aims to strengthen the capacity of professionals and decision makers to improve water management in SIDS, and to better address challenges such as coping with climate change. The application deadline for SIDS Fellowships for the 2016-2018 MSc Specializations is 01 July 2016. Additionally, UNESCO-IHE aims to enroll at least 50 water professionals and decision makers in short courses to build their expertise in relevant topics, with application deadlines on 15 June 2016, 12 October 2016, and 03 January 2017.