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2016 UN-DESA Grant on Energy for Sustainable Development

The programme, titled 'Powering the Future We Want - Recognizing Leadership and Innovative Practices in Energy for Sustainable Development' , offers a grant in the amount of one million US dollars to fund future capacity development activities in energy for sustainable development. The Grant is awarded to an individual, institution or partnership based on past and current achievements, with the objective of promoting leadership and innovative practices in meeting the global energy challenge.

The programme, titled 'Powering the Future We Want - Recognizing Leadership and Innovative Practices in Energy for Sustainable Development' , offers a grant in the amount of one million US dollars to fund future capacity development activities in energy for sustainable development. The Grant is awarded to an individual, institution or partnership based on past and current achievements, with the objective of promoting leadership and innovative practices in meeting the global energy challenge.


To apply for or to be nominated to the Grant, the candidate should be:

  • A person or an organization in legal existence that shares and observes the purposes and principles of the United Nations;
  • In no financial distress of any kind ;
  • Under no threat of significant litigation or prosecution;
  • Capable of demonstrating, through leadership and innovative initiatives and actions, tangible results and impacts at the local, national, regional or global levels in advancing energy for sustainable development, in a manner that is consistent with the three dimensions of sustainable development and the vision, objectives and criteria of the Grant;
  • Implementing, for a minimum of three years, initiatives and actions that may relate, but are not limited, to the increased use of new and renewable energy resources, other low-emission technologies, more efficient use of energy, greater reliance on advanced energy technologies, including cleaner fossil fuel technologies, and the sustainable use of traditional energy resources, to meet the growing need for reliable, affordable, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound energy services in the longer term to achieve sustainable development and poverty eradication; and
  • Committed to, and capable of, supporting the Grants future capacity building work.
  • Outside of the United Nations system.

More information at 2016 UN-DESA Grant on Energy for Sustainable Development