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European Commission (EC) and IUCN -- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories

The EC and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) are partners in a program to support Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories (BEST). BEST 2.0 is open to applications for small grants and medium grants. The small grants (up to €100 thousand) are for conservation projects in the Caribbean and Pacific regions. The medium grants (€100 thousand to €400 thousand) are for projects in the Indian Ocean, polar and sub-polar, and South Atlantic regions. The lead applicant may be either public or private, registered in a member state or overseas country/territory of the EU. Regional and international organizations may also apply, subject to certain conditions. The deadline to apply for small grants is 23 May 2016. The deadline to apply for the medium grants is 25 July 2016.

The EC and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) are partners in a program to support Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories (BEST). BEST 2.0 is open to applications for small grants and medium grants. The small grants (up to €100 thousand) are for conservation projects in the Caribbean and Pacific regions. The medium grants (€100 thousand to €400 thousand) are for projects in the Indian Ocean, polar and sub-polar, and South Atlantic regions. The lead applicant may be either public or private, registered in a member state or overseas country/territory of the EU. Regional and international organizations may also apply, subject to certain conditions. The deadline to apply for small grants is 23 May 2016. The deadline to apply for the medium grants is 25 July 2016.