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ARIMNet2 -- Agriculture and Food Systems in the Mediterranean Region

The EC's ARIMNet is a consortium to support integrated and trans-disciplinary research that enhances the contribution of agricultural and food systems for sustainable social and economic development in the Mediterranean Basin. Each proposal needs to be submitted jointly by at least three partner organizations in the participating ARIMNet countries, including in at least one EU country and one non-EU country. The participating countries in ARIMNet are Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. The deadline for proposals is 01 June 2016.

The EC's ARIMNet is a consortium to support integrated and trans-disciplinary research that enhances the contribution of agricultural and food systems for sustainable social and economic development in the Mediterranean Basin. Each proposal needs to be submitted jointly by at least three partner organizations in the participating ARIMNet countries, including in at least one EU country and one non-EU country. The participating countries in ARIMNet are Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. The deadline for proposals is 01 June 2016.