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The Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement

The John and Alice Tyler Prize is awarded for environmental science, health and energy conferring great benefit upon humanity. The Prize is endowed by gifts from the John and Alice Tyler Charitable Trusts and awardees are chosen annually by the Executive Committee. The University of Southern California administers the Tyler Prize.

Prizes are awarded for any one of the following:

The John and Alice Tyler Prize is awarded for environmental science, health and energy conferring great benefit upon humanity. The Prize is endowed by gifts from the John and Alice Tyler Charitable Trusts and awardees are chosen annually by the Executive Committee. The University of Southern California administers the Tyler Prize.

Selection Criteria

Prizes are awarded for any one of the following:

  • The protection, maintenance, improvement or understanding of an ecological or an environmental condition anywhere in the world.
  • The discovery, further development, improvement, or understanding of known or new sources of energy.
  • Medical discoveries or achievements with such worldwide implications that they significantly benefit environmental aspects of human health


Living individuals or public or private institutions of any nation are eligible for nomination

Who May Nominate

Persons or institutions eligible to make nominations include, but are not limited to: any individuals or entity in fields such as biology, oceanography, geology, medicine, public health, chemistry, physics, engineering and social sciences.

Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nomination Procedures

Initial nominations:

Nominations must be submitted in the English language and include the following information as requested on the Nomination Form and emailed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Full names, addresses etc. of Nominee (individual or institution) and Nominator.

A one to two-page summary of the individual's or institution’s accomplishments, discovery, improvement, or other contribution for which the award is proposed, including links to appropriate websites.

A list of three to five individuals who would be ready to provide reference letters if the nomination is advanced to the short-list.

In the case of a nomination for an individual a Curriculum Vitae should be attached with links to appropriate publications, reports and websites featuring the unique contribution(s) for which the nomination is being made.

All initial nominations will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and select a short-list of nominees for whom additional information will be required. All nominators will be notified October 9th as to whether or not their nominee has advanced to the short list.

Submission must be sent electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More information at the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement